You feel the desire to be free.
Free from the ways you sabotage yourself and get in the way.
Free from struggle and survival.
Free from limiting beliefs and programs that block you and that are keeping you from stepping into your true power.
Deep down you know that life is meant to flow,
is meant to be effortless and abundant.
But that is not your experience in real life.
On the surface it may seem you have everything you could wish for. But you still have that nagging feeling.
Your soul is calling you.
It's time.

Deep down theres a desire to be connected to who you truly are.
To your soul, your higher self, to your true essence.
Tapped into your purpose here on Earth and also to the greater universal forces.
Discovering the common thread in your life, connecting the dots.
To find true fulfilment.
To grow.
And to shed the layers that block you and keep you small and disconnected.
"Stephanie is a talented healer and I have got enormous amounts out her beautiful feminine healing touch in my own personal process and support.”
Christof Melchizedek
W o r k i n g w i t h
m e i s f o r
y o u
If you feel ready to ignite your superpowers.
If you feel it’s time to step out of distorted patterns, stuckness and dis*ease.
If you are ready to be fully tapped into your guidance, into your higher self.
If you wish to start embodying your true essence.
If you crave a life that feels effortless.
By lifting the veil that covers your true essence, you are able to reconnect to the beautiful shining light that you truly are and distinguish what is blocking you. You will have clarity of the experiences in your life and what they teach you.
We will be activating your essence, shining a light on your gifts and connecting you to your souls purpose.

“ With guides and intention, it’s been an amazing process. With Stephanies help I have healed many different layers to be released ”
Wayne Forrest
T h e h e a l i n g p r o g r a m
The healing program is always guided by source and your higher self. That way it consists of all that YOU need to evolve, all that is for your highest good. I work with series of sessions in packages, as the work is done in layers that build up and open up gradually. At the start of the healing journey together we set a clear intention and goal for the work we do together.
An example of a healing journey:
- 12 weekly sessions of 1,5 hours
- The details of the work that is needed make themselves known in each session.
- Each session is always a combination of healing and coaching/guidance.
- Short check-in a few days after the healing, just to see how you are doing.
- Extra’s like meditations on MP3, handouts and a spotify playlist.

H e a l in g i s c o - c r e a t i o n
Healing is always a co-creation of healer & client and of course the universal forces. I as a healer set the intention that the journey will empower you. An essential part of the results is that you as a client are willing to do the inner work. Without that, healing will be like building a house on quicksand: it won’t last. Healing can never be a quick fix of the things you are not ready to address yourself.
I am here to guide you doing the inner work, the shadow work. I gently guide you to observe the things that you (unconsciously) move away from. That which feels uncomfortable and painful. There is pure gold in there, they are your portals to the evolved version of you. I guide you to not bypass your shadows, as it is an essential part of true, pure and authentic light.
Gaining awareness, allowing what is present, softening and supporting yourself, liberation of the ego driven behaviours, selflove, compassion are all elements that we can touch upon. Energy work is the catalyst of this work, as it allows you to break though blocks and patterns that have influenced you for a long time.
I serve as your mirror and your guide and lead you to the place where you long to be. I activate your wisdom by sharing mine.
“Psychic energy is pure presence. That’s it. Its simply presence. Love is presence. The essence of everything is presence. Is love.”
Deborah Hanekanp
R e s u l t s o f t h e w o r k
w e d o t o g e t h e r
Gained self-awareness
Reclaimed sovereignty
Reconnection to your true soul essence & higher self
Connection to your team of spirit guides & animals
Clarity about your soul journey
Liberation of egoic deficiencies
Physical healing
Stress release
Rebalancing your nervous system
Clearing limiting beliefs and imprinted programmes
Increase of selflove and self acceptance
Opening up your heart
Feeling safe in the unknown
- Embodiment
and so much more!


Christof Melchizedek
"Stephanie is a wonderfully talented healer, tuned in to the field, sensitive to what is required in the moment and has the ability to connect in with her personal guides to be able to support healing and transformation. She has been part of my personal healingteam over the last couple of years. Stephanie is a talented healer and I have got enormous amounts out her beautiful feminine healing touch in my own personal process and support."

Wayne Forrest
With a sporting accident 26 years ago I injured my neck, which has left me in a wheelchair, up until now. I started working with Stephanie for 13 sessions to help me uncover my limited subconscious think, so I could reframe and live into the possibility of the greater in all areas of my life, even more.
Stephanie has a way of listening that is loving and gentle and of course very insightful. She has helped me discover many levels of my paradigm of thinking, that same paradigm created the experience of my injury. I have learned to replace this paradigm with a new one that is powerful and aligned with what I want. With guides and intention, it’s been an amazing process, with Stephanie’s help I have healed many different layers to be released. I feel calmer, with what feels like more space within myself and my connection to spirit has deepen, the relationship has made it easier to listen to my intuition.
Here’s to loving the experience, of whatever spirit has installed for us. Thank you Stephanie, I feel like I have met someone from my soul tribe.

After catching covid during the first wave of the pandemic, I was going to different doctors in order to treat the respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive sequels that resulted from the virus. Majority of the specialists didn’t know what was happening. So I had to do a thorough research on the latests medical discoveries and naturopathic treatments to heal. 2020 had being the most challenging year of my life, not just physically but also mentally and emotionally.
I began to work with Stephanie around Christmas. She made a difference from the very first day. She helped me see things from a higher perspective. To consider the idea of letting go of the need for a solution and to be patient, trusting the process. Holding the space my body needed and having great compassion.
I could notice some elements extracted from my body and in fact I felt the release of a something constricting the left side of my chest that Stephanie was able to eliminate via the remote spiritual surgery. The high heart and hara restructuring activations are such a blessing to experience. I’m so grateful for her and for the person who recommended me her. Much love and light!

"I s e r v e a s y o u r
m i r r o r a n d y o u r
g u i d e
a n d l e a d y o u t o
t h e p l a c e
y o u l o n g t o b e .
I a c t i v a t e y o u r
w i s d o m b y
s h a r i n g m i n e . "
e x p l o r e
What do you wish to create?
What relief do you seek?
Book a free 30 min session with me to connect & explore.
book sessionA b o u t m e

I s e r v e a s a N e o - s h a m a n i c
h e a l e r a n d l i f e c o a c h
I am based in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, where I live with my beloved Marcel, who works as an artist our two daughters Nina (16) & Kiki (13).
I love to stroll by the river near my house with one of my daughters, to me these are the most beautiful moments of connection. I enjoy collecting herbs in the nature surrounding my neighborhood, to tap into the medicine they provide and create teas, oils and tictures with them.
And I just LOVE the work that I do. To be able to tap into universal energy, to work with that and support beautiful people on their journey, to be of service for a living truly feels as a gift.
It took me a while to step into my own power.
I was a sensitive child, a dreamer and always busy with plants and herbs.
Later on, in highschool I found out that if I worked hard I was able to be successful, and that’s where the seed of my willpower driven behaviour was planted (short version ;-)).
For a long time force and willpower were my drivers and I managed to be very successful with them. I closed myself of from the universal forces I was tuned into as a child.

Another big life event was the unexpected transition of both of my parents within a short period of only 12 weeks. A very intense period in which I had to deal with situations that I would have previously thought would be impossible to handle. And at times they were.
But I also felt an immense power inside of me, that could handle everything. My connection to the unseen world deepened profoundly. Guiding both my parents through their transition . The intense, deep contact with my sister, mother and the people who were close. In the midst of the immense sadness and despair I felt, I could also feel a deep peace. And power. And a lot of gratitude. The striking synchronicities that occurred, thankful to see them, felt sacred and comforting.
After their transitioning, I felt like I was completely shaken up. Being in a completely new position in the family constellation it took a while to find new ground.
I was intensely tired and sad. I knew everything was different, and who was I in all of this? Again I felt that effortlessness should be the common thread. In fact, when I applied my old way of willpower (that pattern is deeply ingrained) nothing flowed at all. It didn’t work anymore. The main teacher of this big event in my life was trusting the unknown, surrendering my worries and problems and completely be in the here and now.
e x p l o r e
What do you wish to create?
What relief do you seek?
Book a free 30 min session with me to connect & explore.
book sessionCan you give some examples of the energy work you do?
How long does it take to heal?
Do your healings also solve physical problems?
How can i work with you?
Is it possible to do the sessions remotely?
What can I expect of a healing session?
"Stephanie made a difference from the very first day. She helped me see things from a higher perspective. To consider the idea of letting go of the need for a solution and to be patient, trusting the process. Holding the space my body needed and having great compassion”
e x p l o r e
What do you wish to create?
What relief do you seek?
Book a free 30 min session with me to connect & explore.
book session